For more information please send us a list of items (and photos of the artifacts) that you wish to donate.
Support The LTFAI
We welcome all to enjoy the beauty of this art and to participate in helping to preserve our past and inspire new works of art.
Become a Volunteer
If you do not wish to be a member, why not volunteer? We always appreciate support for workshops and other events.
Many Thanks!
We thank the Lithuanian Canadian Foundation and Lithuanian Foundation (USA), which have always been generous supporters of our endeavours.
Many of our events take place at our Lithuanian parishes and community centres, and we thank them for their ongoing generosity in letting us use their facilities.
Financial Support
Corporate Support
We are very appreciative of the generous support of our major contributors. Become a sponsor! Contact us if you would like to advertise on our website and support Lithuanian Folk Art on a short or long-term basis
Individual Support
Your support counts! A gift to LTFAI can be a thoughtful way to honor birthdays, anniversaries, or special occasions. As we are not a charitable organization under Canadian law we cannot issue tax receipts. But your name will be listed on our website.
Artifact Donations
Become A Member
Your membership brings vitality to the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute and supports its mission to uphold the legacy of traditional Lithuanian folk art.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out your name, email, questions, interests, or experience in folk art.
Become A Member
Your membership brings vitality to the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute and supports its mission to uphold the legacy of traditional Lithuanian folk art.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out your name, email, questions, interests, or experience in folk art.