Video Lecture Series By LTFAI Founders

In 1981, Antanas Tamšaitis produced a series of
6 video lectures, “Lietuviu liaudies menas” (Lithuanian Folk Art).
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LTFAI Video Lecture Series

This lecture series in the Lithuanian language (closed captions in English) is academic in nature and discusses characteristics of specific folk art forms.  Each lecture is approximately 30 minutes in length. With funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Education, Ethnic Heritage Studies Program, and the Lithuanian Foundation.

Lecture #1
Juostos ir kiti audiniai
(Sashes and other tapestries)

Lecture #2
Koplytstulpiai ir kryžiai (Crucifixes and crosses)

Lecture #3
Medzio raižiniai ir dievukai
(Wood carvings)

Lecture #
Coming Soon

Lecture #5
Keramika ir margučiai
(Ceramics and eggs)

Lecture #6
Tautiniai rūbai
(Traditional clothes)