Live Online LTFAI Talks

All LTFAI talks are online.
The sessions are free but registration is required.  
Registration opens about a week before each talk. To register click on the links below and fill out the form.

2024 LTFAI Talks Coming Soon

We will be posting our 2024 event schedule this winter. Talks we have in the works include:

  • Tradition of Decorating Farm Buildings in Lithuania
  • Lithuanian Folkart Museum Archives in Canada
  • National Costume Embroidery


Past Talks

Recordings of past talks are available to all LTFAI Members on our members-only web page. To learn about membership or to join LTFAI, click here.

Crosses (Kryžiai)

Traditional Crosses in Lithuania: Lithuania is sometimes called the land of crosses. Crosses and unique pillar shrines with various sculptures have been an integral part of the Lithuanian landscape for several hundred years.  They represent not only religious symbolism but national identity especially in times of repression.  We will look at and discuss the amazing wooden carving and iron work of this important folk art and touch on the well known Kryziu Kalnas (Hill of Crosses) site in Lithuania.

Wool (Vilna)

Wool Crafts in Lithuania: Although linen features prominently in Lithuanian folktales and folk songs, we rarely hear about wool. However in the cold climate working with wool was an integral part of daily life for rural villagers in Lithuania. Small farms were self-sufficient; little or no money was needed to supplement the household’s home production. All the women and girls in a family spun, wove, knitted, and felted wool to create all of the households woolens.

Easter Palms (Verbos)

History and Significance of Verbos in Lithuanian Life: Palm Sunday is an important part of the Easter tradition. Learn about the history of decorated palms and get to know the customs and decorative techniques specific to Lithuania. (Please note, this is not a hands-on workshop.)

Black Ceramics (Juoda Keramica)

History and use of black ceramics in Lithuania: The tradition of black ceramics has been documented in Lithuania for centuries.  Although eventually falling out of favour due to other pottery techniques, Lithuania is one of the few places that still make this beautiful pottery.  Learn about the history, techniques and artistry of black ceramics.

Amber (Gintaras)

Gintaras – Our Golden Heritage: Gintaras, or Amber, has been important to Lithuanians and Baltic people for millennia. Important in terms of culture, art and symbolism. Learn about various aspects of Amber to bring you to a new and better understanding and appreciation of this beautiful “golden stone”.

Easter Eggs (Marguciai)

History and Significance of Easter Eggs in Lithuanian Life: The egg has long been seen as a symbol of fertility and life. Learn about the role of decorated eggs in ancient and modern times. Get to know the customs and decorative techniques specific to Lithuania.

Costume (Kostiumas)

Origins and Development of the Lithuanian National Costume: National costumes were developed and worn as a form of folk identity.  Learn the history behind the development of the National Costume in Lithuania, what it consists of, various regional styles and how it is worn today.