Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada
Our new exhibition: “Siūlas/Thread” is our contribution to the 2017 Year of the National Costume celebrations in Lithuania. Come and see how two fundamental components – raw linen and wool, are transformed into articles full of artistic interpretation and adapted to daily life from early days to modern-day creations.
Juosta/sash weaving demonstrations will be given on Sundays.
Works on display by:
- 19th/early 20th century homestead artisans
- Folk artists from the Displaced Persons camps in post WWII Germany
- Anastazija and Antanas Tamošaičiai – founders of the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute of the Diaspora,
- members of LT Folk Art Institute,
- Calgary artist – Elytė Balkytė-Zubis,
- Toronto designer Akvilė Minkevičienė, and,
- contemporary fashion designers from Lithuania (slide show).